We invite you to join us
in transforming health in Central America.
A network of more than 100 individuals
are achieving meaningful change in their communities, through projects and initiatives
that connect the private and public sectors with not-for-profits, civil society organizations,
and social entrepreneurs.
Learn more about them here:
“I have expanded my knowledge in project management, learned how to measure results, identify problems, define objectives, use statistics, and implement a process
All that has been useful and, in the process of applying the new knowledge during the implementation of my project, I am gaining confidence about the impact I can generate.”
Edgardo Saavedra M.D.
CAHI Fellow, Panama
Dr. Saavedra's project is the optimization of surgical processes for Social Security in Panama.
“I am a lawyer and my partner in this project is an engineer, that is why our learning opened our eyes about health indicators, business models, sustainability, among other things.
Additionally, creating new relationships with a group of leaders and dreamers, people who became a family for us, made this common vision for better health in Central America possible.”
Nina and Mariela Delgado
CAHI Fellows, Costa Rica
Nina and Mariela's project is a holistic
training program to support
women and community health.
“I really liked sharing with people from different places, because that helps us grow in thought, in culture, and to learn about diverse projects and develop knowledge
about other countries and cultures.
The network is amazing, we have maintained good communications and we want to maintain our connections.”
Silvia España
CAHI Fellow from Guatemala
Silvia’s project is the development of Breast Milk Bank in Totonicapán, Guatemala.
We work to improve the quality, affordability and accessibility of healthcare services
in Central America.
Our strategy is well-defined and unique: we identify individuals with the potential to be social change agents and provide them with the tools to achieve that potential.
CAHI offers the best preparation in health project management and integration into a
multidisciplinary network of leaders in the health sector.